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Hong Kong Team took its first Gold Medal in Jumping Team competition!

Writer: OCOC

Hong Kong Team took its first Gold Medal in Jumping Team competition!

In Jumping competitions, riders have to jump five rounds in total. For team results, the scores from the first 3 days added up and count towards Team medals. The first competition had started since Wednesday 4 December. Team competition round 1 on Thursday 5 December and Team Round 2 on Friday 6 December.

Chef d'Equipe Corinne Bracken, Kenneth Cheng, Patrick Lam, Raena Leung and Jacqueline Lai.

With Six competitive nations: Hong Kong, Korea, Kuwait, Philippines, Thailand and Uzbekistan, going against each other, Team Hong Kong had been consistently jumped in good rounds and with zero penalties in Team round 2, hong kong team finish with total 18.55penalties. Team Philippines clinched Team Silver medal after the last rider Asian Games 2018 Gold medalist Ali Alkhorafi added 10 penalties after the run out on the course, putting Team Kuwait into Bronze position with score 45.36pen, only 0.21 penalties difference from the Silver position.

Jumping Individual competition will resume on Sunday 8 December 2019. After adding up penalties from the first three days, 25 best placed riders will proceed to Individual Round A this Sunday (starting at 2pm). Afterwards 12 best placed riders will move on to Individual Round B. Currently in lead are Taizo Sugitani JPN 2.01pen, Ella Wang CHN 2,31pen and Kenneth Cheng HKG 2.68pen.


12月6日,第一届国际马联(FEI)亚洲锦标赛场地障碍团体赛展开了金牌的争夺,中国骑手王韫婧策骑马匹 Quidamia D 排在第七位出场,最终以0罚分完赛!中国香港队(林立信、梁巧羚、赖桢敏、郑文杰)参与团体金牌的争夺!中国台湾骑手Yu-Lung Chen携马匹Evira's Uno第四位出场! 最终,中国香港队以总罚分18.55夺得亚锦赛场地障碍团体赛的金牌!四位队员分别是林立信(Patrick Lam)、梁巧羚(Raena Leung)、赖桢敏(Jacqueline Lai)、郑文杰(Kenneth Cheng),恭喜中国香港队! 值得一提的是,在12月5日结束的三项赛比赛中,中国香港队也凭借优异的表现获得团体银牌!

Author: 天星调良马术(Equuleus International Corp.) 张荔(Zhang Li)


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